- 歡迎來到台灣。Welcome to Taiwan.
- 我是某某弟兄。I am (brother) Joseph.
- 我是某某姊妹。I am (sister) Grace.
- 我有二個小孩,一個幼稚園,一個在讀小學。(國中、高中、大學) I have two children. One is in kindergarten. The other is in elementary school (junior high school, senior high school, college).
- 我的孩子在XXX上班。My son (daughter) works at xxxx.
- 我的公司/職業是XXX。I am a housewife. ( I work at xxxxx. )
- 我XX年前得救。(信入主)。I got saved in 19 (200 ). I became a Christian in
- 我們是台北市召會第十二會六大區35小區。We are small district 35 of the sixth large district of Hall 12 of the church in Taipei.
- 現在在北投聚會的聖徒約有1000位。About one thousand saints are meeting in Beitou now.
- 我們的會所是在民族街那裡。Our meeting hall is over there on Minzu Street and it is near the market.
- 北投夜市場。Beitou night market
- 喔!!主耶穌 Oh! Lord Jesus!
- 願主保守妳。May the Lord keep you and protect you!
- 耶穌愛妳。Jesus loves you.
- 吃飽了麼? Have you finished?
- 一起來用餐,我們先禱告。Let’s pray before we eat.
- 北投捷運站 Beitou MRT station
- 北投的溫泉相當有名。Beitou is famous for its hot springs.
- 有空也可以參觀陽明山公園。If we are free, we can go up to the National Park on Yangmin Mountain
- 淡水漁人碼頭 Danshui Fishermen’s Wharf
- 蚵仔煎 Fried oysters with egg、廣東粥 Cantonese porridge、水餃 dumplings、鍋貼 fried dumplings
- 牛肉 beef、魚肉 fish、豬肉 pork、雞肉 chicken、肉鬆 dried pork powder、香腸 sausages
- 西瓜 watermelon、芭樂 guava、木瓜papaya、桃子 peach
- 珍珠奶茶 pearl milk tea 、咖啡 coffee、牛奶 milk、果汁 juice。
- 洗水間 Restroom.
- 不要客氣,自己來。Please make yourself at home.
- 我們今天晚上吃XXX好不好? Is it OK to have XXX tonight?
- 他帶我得救 He converted me to Christianity.
2009年5月7日 星期四
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